Welcome to Magic Squad!

The largest Squad community in LATAM.

  • Did you know?

    We have over 100 players every day enjoying the game and the community!

  • Discord

    Join our Discord server and chat with the community. We also organize tournaments from time to time.

  • Active servers!

    Currently, there are +98(5) active players on our servers!

Become a VIP today on our server!

Become a VIP today on our server!

Become a VIP today on our server!

Battlemetrics #55

Battlemetrics #708

Become a VIP today on our server!

Become a VIP today on our server!

Become a VIP today on our server!

Individual Plan

5.99 $


Priority in match queue

Voting in rotation

Exclusive text and

voice channels (Discord)

Advance notice of events,

along with the opportunity to

pre-register for participation.



14.99 $


Everything in the individual plan

5 members or more




What is Magic Squad?

How can I join the server?

What are the server VIPs?

How can I subscribe to VIP?

How can I get Squad?